Explore what’s going on at our incubator in the case studies below.
Curious to see what’s blooming at Agropolis?
Sow the seeds for tomorrow today
There are more of us than ever before, and we all want more than ever before. The bar keeps being raised for the way in which we produce and process food. Everyone expects better quality on their plate. Better products that are fresher than fresh. To our sector, that means we’ve got more mouths to feed, all while having to make do with less space for our fields, greenhouses and buildings.
Here at Agropolis, we are looking for the answers to tomorrow’s questions today. We do so in a multitude of ways: through abundant floorspace at our business park as a location for your company, through various office spaces and meeting rooms you can use at any time, through an even greater abundance of fieldspace for you to test new developments, and by keeping you up to date with the latest trends and possibilities, such as precision agriculture or sustainable crop protection.
The agriculture and food sector of tomorrow is being grown at Agropolis today. After all, we’re stronger together in a world that never stands still.